Tuesday, June 17, 2008

So why the blog?

I'm not really sure if I'm ready to answer my own question, but i've heard all about this "blog thing" and I thought I'd try it out. I plan on using this little corner of cyberspace to share my thoughts on saving money, putting that saved money to work, and ultimately using your money to help others in need.

As the name suggests, I'm frugal. I've always know the value of a dollar and would definitely put myself in the "saver" camp rather than the "spender" group. Don't get me wrong...spending money is great fun, but I've never been one to spend my hard earned cash on frivolous pleasures. You have to work pretty hard to get me to open up my wallet and the best way to do that is to throw me a deal.

I have quite a nose for the old bargain and nothing gets me more excited than a good deal (kind of sad really). Sometimes I get more excited about the deal than the actual product (just ask Mrs. Frugal Franco). I often am asked by friends and family to "help them find a deal on _____" which is one of the reasons i've started this blog.

On top of my latest steals and deal, i hope to sprinkle in some opinions on financial planning, investing, and even philanthropy. We'll see how it all goes and I'd love to hear feedback from anyone who stumbles across this blog.


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